Cracking the code on coding

How to get computer programs to bend to your will

Keep Calm and Carry On - My first Final Project

Througout our entire relationship with my now wife, I doubt she has even seen me as frusterated as she did when I was trying to piece together this final Ruby CLI project. While it is true that many times I stared at my computer screen trying to decide what would be the most fitting punishment for it not obeying my commands; I considered everything from dipping it in water, to pouring hot wax on the keyboard, to just running up to the roof of my apartment building to try my hand at the discus throw with this seemingly useless and stupid retangular piece of garbage.

In Heaven's name, what am I DOING

I do often feel like poor Wile E Coyote (genius). I certainly sympathize with his constant attempts to accomplish his goal only to be crushed - somtimes literally - in waves of frusteration only to get up and try again, rinse and repeat. Everytime I do I wonder the same question: Why am I doing this?