Cracking the code on coding

How to get computer programs to bend to your will

Basic Reaction to React (Also Redux)

Often, developers get comfortable with a concept such as a programming language or framework; but then have something else added on top of that which can sometimes throw a wrench in the works.

Brewing Up Hot Cups of JavaScript

Coding puns aside. . .

Searching in Rails

Turns out this can be alot easier than soul searching.

I've gone off the Rails . . .

I’m pretty sure that saying has everything to do with programming and nothing whatsoever to do with trains.

Sinatra Project. A more challenging but easier project.

Alrighty we’re just going to get right into it. I was told going into this unit that it would lead up to a very difficult project. The subject matter would be challenging, and it would have its moments of frusteration. It all proved to be correct as many a time sitting in front of my computer trying to best my new nemisis known as “params” I wanted nothing more than to throw many full bottles of wine at my laptop screen.